How I set up my Mac – Softwares I use for iOS Development & Design

Ranjithkumar Matheswaran
5 min readJun 22, 2015


Every time when I get a New Mac or When I change my Laptop, I have to set up all the install and setup all softwares again.

Here is the list of best softwares, I uses in My mac.


I used to install all the softwares, searching them online, Downloading them then Mounting it, then Copies them to the Application Folder. This happens, until my friend points me out about Cask.

Cask — Its single piece load of Chocolate

Now, I’m using Cask to install almost anything. Just in one line command.

Open Terminal and do, if you have Cask installed already. To install Cask check out Mitesh’s Page.

$ brew cask install microsoft-office

It installed me the entire office Package. Pretty Cool huh ? Further, with one command you can install all softwares using automates scripts. Check out all thing about using Cask and Scripts at Mitesh’s Page.

Google Chrome

Chrome is the king of all softwares. Either its a mac or Linux or Windows, the first software I download is Chrome.

$ brew cask install google-chrome

Download Chrome.

Oh My Zsh – Terminal Enhancer

Terminal will be much better if we use plugins. Just download the oh-my-zsh the best terminal companion.

$ curl -L | sh

# Change your default shell
$ chsh -s /bin/zsh

Download Oh My Zsh


Though git is provided default in the Mac, it is better to have the latest version of Git Source Version Control.

Download Git.

Source Tree

It is always good to have a GUI for Git. In case of any conflicts, or merge problems, a GUI for git will be much helpful. Source Tree is one of the Best GUI for Git.

$brew cask install sourcetree

Download SourceTree


Xcode is the IDE for Mac OS and iOS Development. Its available at the apple developer site for Free.

Download Xcode


As everyone knows, no other media player can beat the performance of VLC player.

$brew cask install vlc

Download VLC.

File and backup management

I never partition a Hard Disk. All the files and Data will be associated with the User file.

Backing up the data is bit a problem. I uses Google Drive, Dropbox and One Drive for storing files. As soon as I get a Mac, I installs all mac softwares for Google Drive, Dropbox and One Drive. It will automatically downloads all my files.

Google Drive And Dropbox

Dropbox provides 2 GB initially for Storage. You can get additional storage for each time you invite someone. You will get extra 1 GB , when you switch on your Camera Roll Auto Backup.

Google Drive Provides 15 GB of storage for Personal accounts and 30 GB for Google Apps accounts.

I use both Drive and Dropbox to sync up with same folder. So whatever I save in Drive will be available on the dropbox and Vice Versa.

It’s just to ensure that all the files I am having is available on both places, so incase if there is any problem with any one of the storage provider, my data is safe.

I usually save documents, bills, certificates and files that are static in Google Drive and Dropbox. I call these as “Doc Files”.

Whatever the coding work I do is backed up in version control. I have been using bitbucket as the storage for my projects.

One Drive

I use one drive to save all my working files, like code documentation, project files , design files and Design Assets. One drive offers 15 GB of storage for free and if you link up your Phone to save the Camera Roll you will get a additional 15 GB of Space. I feel 30 GB is good enough for me to save my working Files. In case if you need more space, you can buy more spaces for reasonable amount.

$brew cask install google-drive
$brew cask install dropbox

Download Google Drive, DropBox, One Drive.

Text editor — Sublime Text

Lots of good text editors are available in the market, like Text Wrangler, Sublime Text, etc. I fell sublime is the best text editor as it is suitable for any other language like HTML, JS, PHP, python. Lots of packages and plugins are available to customise the sublime Text.

$brew cask install sublime-text

Download Sublime Text.

Todo Manager – Wunderlist

I use Wunderlist as my personal Todo app. Just login once, the cloud feature in the wunderlist automatically syncs the lists in all your devices.

Download Wunderlist.


Note Taking is an essential one for Developers, designers, managers an for everyone who uses a computer. Apple’s sticky note is a good one but they dont have cloud backup. Further Apple’s Note have Cloud backup options via iCloud, but they dont provide much options like Evernote. So Evernote is the best note taking app I come across.

$brew cask install evernote

Download EverNote.

Softwares for Designers

I don’t involve much in designing. I design posters, Interactions for Apple Mobile Devices and Photography editing. Primarily I use Sketch for all vector based designs. Some times I use Adobe Illustrator (Only in case if its necessary). For Photography works I use Apple’s Aperture.


I use sketch for Vector based designs like Icons for the App I work on. I would say Sketch is the best tool for the Mobile Interaction Designers as the assets needed for the mobile can be exported very easily. For example, iOS need images in 1x, 2x and 3x formats. In Skectch, you can export all the assests in an Artboard in all these three sizes in just a click. So much easy. Sketch has a free trial version for 30 days. Its Pro Version is available for $99.

$brew cask install sketch

Download Sketch.

Adobe Softwares

Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are the tools I use sometimes, when in need as I am not the Core Designer.

$brew cask install adobe-air 
$brew cask install adobe-illustrator-cc
$brew cask install adobe-arh
$brew cask install adobe-indesign-cc
$brew cask install adobe-creative-cloud
$brew cask install adobe-photoshop-cc
$brew cask install adobe-creative-cloud-cleaner-tool
$brew cask install adobe-photoshop-lightroom
$brew cask install adobe-digital-editions
$brew cask install dobe-dng-converter
$brew cask install adobe-reader

Download Adobe Softwares.

Thanks guys for your time :)



Ranjithkumar Matheswaran
Ranjithkumar Matheswaran

Written by Ranjithkumar Matheswaran

Subscribe to my weekly newsletter at @MobDevsCafe. iOS Developer & UI/UX Designer. Mountain Hiking, Driving, Roadtrips & Photography.

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